Fabii målar Jordan det finns fler videos den här är ganska gammal men hon är grym på att måla.
skulle ladda upp några bilder men dom är för stora :-/ men här är länk till hennes lockerz ;) där finns en bild på Liam och en bild på Niall från One Direction också
den här sidan är från Jordan's sida men det är hennes målningar.
Fabii är bara en vanlig tjej som gillar Jordan och målade av honom i paint, och när Jordan först såg hennes målningar så blev han väl imponerad och nu så gör hon nya varenda dag till Jordan ^.^ tror iaf att det är så :-)
P.S följ henne på twitter för nya bilder varenda dag ;) hon heter @fabii_jjmusic och fabiijjmusic på youtube där hon lägger upp videos när hon gör bilderna :'P
#imagine you've just arrived home after a hard day at school, you sit at your computer and see that people sent lot of hatred to you and then it's a way of love mail from Jordan your neighbor who has talked to you a few times and now realize you that everything he talked about you just as various names and forms, as you read this email, you will feel your heart begin to beat faster and faster and in the end you will see that it says you should go out to the pool, you see him standing there with flowers in her right hand and chocolate in the other hand, he then says you are my undercover baby and kisses you softly on the lips.
#imagine you sad and ther is a boy in you're class namde Jordan Jansen and he see you cry but nobody else do that he walks up to you and hugs you and gives you a kiss, and whispering in your ear I'm here, I see you through all the other
#imagine you come home from school and then you see that you just got some new neightboors then you se a beautiful boy and you know you have seen him before you go into your room and then you go on Youtube you se that a song named Undercover Baby is on of the hits you start the song and then you see him Jordan Jansen and you run down your stairs and fast to the door you open it and you se Jordan is right in front of you and before you say anything he kiss you on the lips and whisper you are the most beautiful person I ever seen before
#imagine Jordan Jansen and you go to the same school you are so in Love with him but he dosen't know you exist,Then some big boys come and punch you hard in your face you faint and when you wake up you se Jordan and he wisphers in your ear everthing is going to be alright and then he kiss you on your lips
#imagine You just come home from school and then you hear music outside you go outside and you see Jordan is singing Undercover baby just for you he walk up to you and whisper Your my undercover baby and kiss you soft on your lips.
den här handlar om Emilia väldigt mycket som en tjej på skype skickade till henne sen så skickade Emilia den till mig ^.^
#imagine Jordan and you go to the same school you two have never talked you go and have math the same old boring thing then you have lunch,you take your food and go away and you walk right in to someone you falls on the floor and you look up and Jordan stands there with all your food on he's skirt he helps you up and he se the scars on your arms and he say I know you don't have it so good here but don't cut your self together we are strong and you smile and he kiss you soft on your lips
Jordan Jansen
Hej den här gruppen handlar om Jordan Jansen och vi är 3 tjejer som heter Cat,Emily(Emelie) och Emilia(Jag mohahahah) hoppas att du kommer njuta och få reda på mer fakta om Jordan nu^.^